Near-Death Experience Links and Accounts
If you have had an NDE, then please email it to me.
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Personal Accounts of NDEs
John Akim Gosaw...
Skeptic has NDE...
Death feels Great!...
Bob Manrodt...
Erland Babcock...
Elizabeth Joyce...
Cheryl Rose...
4 NDEs Archive X
6 NDEs Sacred Transformations
3 NDEs The Spirit Web
Cathleen Hodgson Beyond the Darkness
John Wren-Lewis The Dazzling Dark
John Wren-Lewis
Betty Hudson, Unconditional Love
Andy Lakey, Angel With A Paintbrush
Dannion Brinkley At Peace in the Light, Ch. 1
Chapter 5 of a child abuse story. Not for the timid.
Mac's NDE on a plane
Matthias Wloka
Bruce Carlson's friend
One Result of Hearing about NDEs
Interviews with Researchers
Kenneth Ring, Canadian Broadcast Company transcript
Dannion Brinkley, Lightworks interview
Stephen Levine, Lightworks interview.
Raymond Moody Lightworks Interview
Joan Borysenko, Lightworks Interview
Hank Wesselman, Lightworks Interview
Mark Scorelle, Lightworks
Stanlov Grof, Redwood Interview
Raymond Moody, Redwood Interview
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Redwood Interview
Researchers Discussion, Ring, Grosso, Gotlib, Mack, Jacobson, Rojcewicz
A look at Betty Eadie
Other Stuff from Researchers and Professional NDErs
Intro to NDEs
Love and Forgiveness
Journal of Scientific Exploration on NDEs
Journal Article on India NDEs
P.M.H. Atwater, Thoughts on the NDE
A Review of NDEs in a Journal
John Wren-Lewis on Survival
Misc Info by William
Dannion Brinkley in the News
Article by Michael Grosso
Atwater's new interest in child NDE
Anthony Kassir, MD speaks on NDEs et al
Dr. Agnnes Kraweck Speaks
ARIC Angle on the NDE by John Morehead
Masai Jones' NDE and more
One Result of Hearing about NDEs
Info on the Afterlife
More Philosophy on NDE
Kendrick of Stanford Analyzes
Skeptics Corner
Skeptics Recommend Books on NDEs
Skeptics Debunk the Shoe Story
Philosophy and Death
NDEs as Birth Experiences, Skeptics
Skeptical Enquirer on the NDE
Book Reviews with insightful comments
Atwater's "Beyond the Light"
Brinkley's "Saved by the Light", by Redwood
Kubler-Ross' "On Life After Death", by Redwood
Raymond Moody's "Coming Back", by Redwood
John Wren-Lewis' movie Fearless
The Burning Within by RaNelle Wallace
Another Review of Saved by the Light
Other NDE links
IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies
Arizona NDE etc. Group
NDE email list - how to subscribe
Journey into the Afterlife
Connecting Kindred Spirits Share your experiences with others.
Add your own experience to the Spirit Web.
The Natural Death Centre, London
Death, Dying and Grief Resources
Sociology of Death and Dying
Jewish Views of the Afterlife
Other Links
Iasos Spirit Music
Every DEATH site on the web
Scott Roberts, June 2, 1996. Scott's Home Page.
Email the author.
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